Camino Inca
Una aventura tras las huellas del Sol
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Inca Trail - Vegan Food
Paula D. M.
15 de ene. de 2013, 15:59


I'll be in Peru in April and I'm researching a company with which to go on the 4D/3N Inca Trail.

Could you provide vegan food?

Thank you very much, Paula

Re: Inca Trail - Vegan Food
Mensajes: 825
15 de ene. de 2013, 20:46

Dear Paula,

Thank you for your email and for your interest in our service. We could try to adapt on site our vegetarian menu to vegan but we cannot guarantee our cooks will respect it all the time. Cooking conditions are not easy in the middle of nowhere in the Andes and we organize group treks, not individual treks. Please check our vegetarian menu to see if it could be adapted or not:

Best regards,

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