Camino Inca
Una aventura tras las huellas del Sol
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Weather forecast
Daniela B.
16 de mar. de 2017, 05:12

Hello Heidi,

I hope you are well!?

I keep following the weather forecast for 25 - 29th Mar and there are thunderstorms forecast I was wondering if you would cancel the trek if the weather gets too bad?

Kind regards


Re: Weather forecast
Mensajes: 825
16 de mar. de 2017, 21:40

Hello Daniela,

Thank you for contacting us. There are no weather problems to cancel the trek, don't worry. It usually rains in Cusco until April, it is normal. Just be prepared with rain poncho and good hiking shoes and some cover for your backpack. No extra rains this year. Weather issues occur in the coastal areas because of El Niño, no problems in the Andes.

Best regards,

RE: Weather forecast
Daniela B.
17 de mar. de 2017, 06:14

Hello Heidi,

thank you very much for your reply! As I checked the weather forecast it was thunderstorms and rain... I'm so excited and just want to get there! ?

Kind regards


RE: Weather forecast
Daniela B.
20 de mar. de 2017, 01:14

Good morning Heidi,

I am more and more concerned as the weather seems not very save at the moment and the news over here seem to be worst.

We are so excited to do the Inca Trail but we want to be safe at the same time. I was wondering if we could due to the extreme circumstances change the month to do the trek?

Kind regards


Re: Weather forecast
Mensajes: 825
20 de mar. de 2017, 10:51

Hello Daniela,

That information is not accurate. That information is from 2013 when there were floodings in the Cusco region. Currently, there are flooding problems in the surroundings of Lima (where tourists don't go), and up to the North, only the coastal areas.

No changes apply, those are the rule sof the Ministry. There are no extreme circumstances in the Cusco region, so the treks are not rescheduled.

If you want to cancel your trek because you don't feel safe, it is your decision, no problem. Please do so through our website. No refunds apply. And you must do it now in order to cancel your services we already booked. Your treks is in 4 days.

Best regards,

Re: Weather forecast
Daniela B.
20 de mar. de 2017, 11:03

Hello Heidi,

thank you very much for your reply!

Oh no I didn't see the date,looks like my friend is concerned about my well being,if it is fine in Cusco and I just checked the Lima airport,it looks most flights are on time too!

Sorry about this,I guess the media here is exaggerating over here!

Kind regards


Re: Weather forecast
Mensajes: 825
20 de mar. de 2017, 11:31

Hi Daniela,

No worries! Please be sure that if there were the slightest safety problem with the Inca Trail, we would cancel the hikes. Our main concern, for us authorized agencies, and for the Ministry of Culture, is the safety and well-being of tourists and our clients. We would never put you at risk, never.

The extreme weather conditions are for surroundings of Lima (poor areas) and the entire coastal regions, the Central roads. On the Southern Andes (Cusco, Puno) the situation is normal. You can still visit the South, and Lima and enjoy some parts of Peru.

Please come to our agency as soon as you arrive in Cusco to finalize the organization of your trek. You have not indicated your hotel to come pick you up on March 25.

Best regards,

RE: Weather forecast
Daniela B.
20 de mar. de 2017, 13:59

Hello Heidi,

thank you very much for your last email!

We haven't booked any hotel yet,the boys we arrive on the 23rd in Cusco!

At what time is the meeting on the 24th?

Can you recommend a good insect repellent,I always find it's best to buy it in the

same country where the insects are?!

Kind regards


Re: Weather forecast
Mensajes: 825
20 de mar. de 2017, 14:12

Dear Daniela,

Sure, you have time to let us know. The meeting on the 24th is at 7pm at our agency. But please come as soon as you arrive for final arrangements.

The best repellent is Premier, in spray cream, not just spray :)

BTW, in attachment a government release saying everything is normal in the South. It is in Spanish but I think it could help.

Kind regards,

RE: Weather forecast
Daniela B.
20 de mar. de 2017, 14:32

Hello Heidi,

thank you very much!

I'll get one of my peruvian work mates to have a look at the attachment tomorrow at work!

Yes we will find the office when we get to Cusco!

Many thanks


RE: Weather forecast
Daniela B.
20 de mar. de 2017, 18:13

Hello Heidi,

I got one more question in your what to bring list it states cash in local currency for tips,so because it's the first time for us to do a guided trek like this we are wondering who is expecting tips and how much,as I hardly ever carry cash?

Kind regards


Re: Weather forecast
Mensajes: 825
21 de mar. de 2017, 15:49

Hi Daniela,

Yes, you must bring cash, US$ dollars are accepted here, small bills, for tips but also for paying your pending balance for the trek, 15$ or 20$ per person is the average. Credit card payments have 8% extra charge at our agency.

Best regards,

RE: Weather forecast
Daniela B.
23 de mar. de 2017, 10:46

Hello Heidi,

thanks for your reply I already arrived in Cusco,one of my friends couldn't make it,but the other arrives any min! Than we'll go to the office! So how many people expect 15-20$ ?

Kind d regards


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